Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 14 ; Ch.12 #3

The section that I found most interesting in this chapter was "Assumptions Underlying Science". This section names six different assumptions because science is a system created by humans. The first assumption is empiricism, which is the belief that our physical senses are the primary source of knowledge. The second is objectivity, the belief that we can observe and study the physical world without any observer bias. Third, is materialism, which is the belief that everything in the world is made up of physical matter. According to scientists, there's no reason to have scientific descriptions and explanations for non-material concepts. The fourth assumption is predictability. Scientists have assumed that the world consists of interconnected casual relationships that can be discovered through observation and inductive reasoning. The final type of assumption  unity, which is the belief in that there is an underlying unity of the universe, or a unified dynamic structure that is present in all phenomena. I believe the most common assumption that is used today is empiricism because the text says that it's the only reliable method for obtaining knowledge.

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