Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week 13 ; Ch.11 #2

Brook J. Salder is an assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Southern Florida that talks about how internet plagiarism is wrong and students shouldn't do it. She believes that it makes the students unable to be educated and the professor's comments can't influence the student to improve their work or to identify particular weaknesses. Salder write ten arguments about why internet plagiarism is the wrong thing to do. She also thinks that students whom plagiarize should face larger consequences than just failing the assignment. Russell Hunt on the other hand, a professor of English at St. Thomas University in Canada believes that internet plagiarism is a good thing. He believes that internet plagiarism encourages students on improving in their work. He says that plagiarism is okay because he believes that the way Universities have their curriculum today, in order for a student to maintain a good GPA, they are encouraged to cheat and plagiarize for help. In this situation, I believe Salder has the stronger argument because she explains how plagiarizing doesn't benefit you, how it's unfair to other students, and how it's not fair. She also talks about a solution to solving this problem, whereas Hunt doesn't talk about a solution. Hunt just states his opinions about plagiarism without any of it being solid reasoning.

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