Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week 12 ; Ch.10 #1

There are many different types of marketing strategies. Corporations use market strategies to attract customers and gain business. These types of market strategies include: consumer awareness, advertising in media, product placement, television advertising, and the SWOT model. SWOT stands for "strengths", "weaknesses", "opportunities", and "threats". I noticed SWOT was being used when I went to Pizza My Heart. The atmosphere is really comforting and unique because of the pictures and posters on the walls. Aside from the walls, there are also multiple flat screen tvs that are usually left on the sports channel. The price for their slices of pizza are pretty cheap compared to others, and they're large slices, so that makes people want to continue coming in. Also, Pizza My Heart is one of the few places that put your slice back into the oven to warm it up before serving it to you. Their soda machine is something that only a few places have, and it's different and cool because there are so many different  flavors and sodas to choose from. Something that they could work on would be if the staff were a bit friendlier.

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