Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 14 ; Ch.12 #1

I'm a Virgo because I was born on September 17th. According to, today, November 15, 2012, it says "You are very creative but may have found a clogged pathway where your ideas are concerned. Consider keeping a notepad with you. You will want to write down your thoughts about things to do later, things to look up, people to see and creative techniques for new ideas. One way to keep creativity alive for yourself, is to value and pay attention to the little ideas that you get wherever you are--including the workplace. One new idea can open up doors of opportunity. Your career direction gets some encouragement and you should find easy solutions. You have a heightened interest in health and diet and have an urge to get things organized into a rational system. There is mental busywork now. Seeing both sides of an issue takes on importance." I personally don't really believe in horoscopes because I think they're just things to get into your head, but since we were required to read ours, I agree that there is a bit of a clogged pathway where my ideas are concerned because of an event that just happened recently. My horoscope also got the "you have a heightened interest in health and diet" right because I want to become a pediatric nurse. Some events that could falsify the horoscope would be if I weren't creative at all, I didn't have a clogged pathway where all my ideas are concerned, and if I didn't have a heightened interest in health and diet. A few of my friends are also Virgos, but from what I know and have seen, they don't show any creativity. Most of them also don't want to major in anything relating to health or diet or even have an interest in it, so that would be a false statement in the Virgo horoscope. Even though it may be a true prediction for me, it might not be for others. 

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