Friday, December 7, 2012

Final Question #1

Over this semester, I have learned so much about communication and language. I learned from what critical thinking is to errors in thinking to science. It is honestly hard to only name things that I have learned in this course, but one of them is rhetoric. I never even knew what that word meant until I took this course. Now, I know that rhetoric is the ability that is used to inform and promote a particular postion, like persuasion. I've heard the phrase 'rhetorical question', but by definition, that means a question that is used to make a point without the expectation of a response, which is different than rhetoric. I believe that everyone uses this ability in their daily lives. For example, if you're with a group of friends trying to decide where to go to eat and one friend suggests to go get pizza, but you don't want that, you would most likely try persuading your friends to go to another restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. What Up Purps!
    I have also learned to much to really put a finger on this semester, I feel that this class covered so much material that is kinda hard to just point out one main thing that you learned without it leading into a discussion about something else. When I first read what a rhetoric was I had no clue what it ment. But after reading and using it in almost all the group projects I feel like I have become a pro when picking our rhetoric in arguments. Rhetorics are used all the time in writing and after talking this class it is funny how much I pick them out while reading articles.
    -Mike Ross
