Saturday, December 8, 2012

Final Question #2

Taking this class was a great experience. When I signed up for the class, I was confused on how a "small group communications" class was going to be online. I was questioning on how students were going to meet up and do assignments together since we wouldn't know who the other was. Overall, I really liked how this course was with blogging. I would say that it was my favorite part about this course because it was anonymous, so we were able to express ourselves without any judgement88. Writing blogs about the chapters that we read about improved my reading and analyzing skills because it made me really think about what I just read and how it relates to me. As for my least favorite part about this class would probably have to be the fact that since it was an online class, it made it difficult at times to meet up with my group mates for the assignments because everyone had different schedules. I don't think this course needs any improvement because although some students don't do the blogs every week because they forget, it's nobody's fault but theirs because it's their own responsibility.

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