Saturday, October 20, 2012

Week 9 ; Ch.4 #2

In the story of "Perspectives on Evaluating Evidence for the Existence of Unidentified Flying Objects",  there are three different opinions about UFOs. Edward Condon argues that the study of UFOs for the past 21 years has not come to any conclusion. He believes that since there has been no proof of UFOs, in schools, teachers shouldn't give credit to students that turn in work based on readings about them. J. Allen Hynek argues that the existence of UFOs need to be studied in a systematic scientific manner because the issue is dismissed too often. He goes on to coming up with ideas on how the existence can be proven by "comparing large groups of sightings of a particular category with a much larger population of the same category" and "Close Encounters of the Second Kind, in which the reported presence of physical evidence can yield quantitative physical data". Royston Paynter argues that there isn't solid 100% proof that aliens have set foot on Earth. He says that people can believe these alien visitations from cattle mutilations, crop circles, and alien abductions, but there isn't any proof of it. I personally believe that Paynter had the best argument because he didn't shoot the whole idea down about aliens existing like the previous two did. He said that people can believe whatever they want, but he just tells the truth about there being no evidence to support the fact that aliens do exist.

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