Sunday, September 2, 2012

Week 2 ; Ch.6 #2

There have been multiple times when I've stood my ground despite losing a friend. I'm the type of person where if you do something that isn't fair or right, I will call you out on it and not have a problem with it. It's not that I'm a mean person, but I just don't beat around the bush or try to "sugar coat" things when there's a problem at stake. A recent example of this was when my roommate's sister came to San Jose to visit her, but she didn't want to put her own plans aside to spend time with her sister. Instead, she left her sister at our house and went to a soccer game with one of our other roommates. I thought this was messed up because her sister drove two hours to be with her sister, but my roommate didn't care. So, when my roommate got home from the soccer game, she came to my room and I told her that it wasn't right for her to ditch her sister like that because I spent more time with her than she actually did. My roommate didn't think she did anything wrong, so she just walked out of my room.The reason why she went to the soccer game in the first place was because the guy she liked was playing. I told her that it wasn't going to be the last soccer game he'd play, and that she should never put a guy before her family. She was in denial at first, but she eventually realized that I was right, and she apologized to me.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Purple is the Best,
    That's actually a very interesting situation. I feel like you're someone who is always trying to make things right. I agree that it was not right for your roommate to leave their sister at the house when she specifically came to San Jose to spend time with her. I do however think that the bluntness and directness can be a little too harsh sometimes. In a situation like that I don't think I would have been so direct because I wouldn't know the background between the two siblings. If I was too direct and blunt I might open a whole new can of worms and end up hurting someone. So that's my little rant about your situation!
